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„Athugið að prófum sem þessum er ætlað að veita innsýn í hugsanlegann vanda. Prófin koma ekki í stað faglegra greininga“

Depression Test (20 mín)

At times everybody gets down in the dumps, but if life is consistently getting you down and your lows are making it hard to function, you may be depressed. Find out whether your slump is critical with this depression test. This assessment is designed to determine whether you presently have, or are at risk for developing a depressive disorder, along with assessing whether your mindset makes you more prone to depression. Examine the following statements and indicate how well it describes you or how often you feel that way.

Mental Health Assessment (15-20 mín)

Are you thinking about seeking the help of a therapist? If certain issues have been causing problems in your life and you aren’t sure how to make the necessary changes, therapy can help. With the help of a professional, you can get out of an unhealthy cognitive, emotional, and behavioral pattern.

Fill out the following questionnaire truthfully, paying special attention to the specified time period to which the questions refer. The results will only be helpful if you answer in an honest and complete manner.

Anxiety Test (10 mín)

Everybody worries or gets the odd case of butterflies in the stomach. But are you missing out on opportunities and happiness because of fears and worries? Is anxiety interfering with your life? While moderate anxiety can be limiting, severe anxiety can be crippling. Anxiety currently afflicts more than 20 million Americans, making it the most common mental illness in the US. Find out if you’re too anxious with this anxiety test. It will determine whether you should consider seeking help, and to what degree. For each statement in the questionnaire, please indicate how often you feel that way.

Big Five Personality Test

Are you ready for some serious self-reflection? This test is an overarching assessment of your personality – you will come away from taking it with a much richer understanding of who you are as a person. Based on our most popular personality test, the AM/PM Personality Profile, it should really get you thinking about what it means to be you!